
Showing posts from December, 2003

December 2003

9th: Today, Aden grabbed hold of a toy and he STOOD UP. He’s brilliant. And then he put the ball in the top of the toy where it goes, because he’s a genius! 20th: Aden was here last weekend, and I’m going to pick them up again on Wednesday 😊 Last weekend, they were here Friday to Sunday, and I was exhausted – he’s quite the adorable handful. He reaches his arms for us now, usually when we reach for him but, on the rare occasion, sometimes spontaneously. Usually only while in the megasaucer though. He really enjoys the megasaucer – stares at the gee-gaws on it with such concentration, as though he’s a Nobel scientist studying his experiments. I LOVE when he turns the steering wheel, because it’s such an older kid thing to do. There’s one figure on the saucer, a red-headed boy who plays nursery tunes when pushed, that Aden won’t even look at. Even when we push it to make it play music, he’ll give it a cursory glance then very decidedly turn his back on it! He now shrieks “m