January 2004

19th: I took Aden outside, and he practically lay horizontal in my arms to stare at the yellow grass. I sat down with him, and he crunched his fingers in it, over and over – I think he doesn’t understand why it replaces the carpet anywhere. Mama and I had to go to a mehndi, and Humera said while we were gone he spent 45 minutes cooing at the remote control in mama’s room. He plays with it until he smacks himself in the head, then he looks up, stunned, with his beautiful eyes all big and round.

Aden’s no longer fascinated by my hair but is obsessed with glasses – if anyone’s wearing them, his mission of the moment is to get close enough to snatch them off, play with them for a while, then fling them aside. He also, when sitting in his megasaucer, raises bended arms level with his shoulders, and just wobbles, like he’s trying to stand on his own – it’s SO CUTE!
I had gone to buy a car with Najeeb, and when I got back they started packing up to leave. I had a pounding headache. Aden was in his walker, and was “maaaa maaaa”ing loudly, and looked very frustrated to be ignored. I ran and snatched him up, and he immediately got quiet and very complacently settled into my arms. Although my head was throbbing, he looked and felt like heaven We went up to my room, and I entertained him, with resounding success, by floating a Twix wrapper around his head and diving it into his stomach over and over 😂 He couldn’t stop laughing! Asim had come to visit, and Aden didn’t cry with him at all this visit, I think because Asim kept taking him outside, which is Aden’s peaceful place. 

24th: Wednesday, I dropped mama off in Columbus. I took Aden outside in his stroller. He was perfectly still and silent until I stopped and would talk to him, then he’d start grunting and scratching the side of his stroller to indicate I needed to get a move on! He was also very intent on squeezing my mouth and cheeks during the visit, and actually gave me a bloody scratch under my nose, the little cutie. Whenever he gets near a keyboard, he immediately starts straining to bang on it, and he usually hits keys that get some results! When I was leaving, mama brought him to the door to say good-bye, then he got angry because he’d thought he’d be going outside – so I took him and ran up and down the driveway with him a few times. He was so excited – I LOVE him!
