March 2004

3rd: The latest Aden recap may take a while. First of all, he looooves us 😊 He’s completely comfortable with us, as though we’re his immediate family. My lovely. I took him near mama when she was at the kitchen sink, and he went nuts trying to get her attention so she could get him near the faucet water – grabbing fistful after fistful of her kameez, in an attempt to turn her around. He also loves the round labels on bananas – he passes them from one hand to the next for hours (loves stickers just like me!)I brought him up to my room and handed him lipsticks from my vanity, which he flung to the floor one after another, giggling by the end. He giggles crazily when I real or fake cough – he thinks it’s the best game ever, and I’m such a fun khala for playing it from Day One πŸ˜‚ When bringing him here, Rabia tells him where he’s going by fake coughing!He still yanks our hair, and this time was reaching around and grabbing my ponytail. He always has someone’s hair in his fingers, but when he notices it once in a while, he looks so shocked, like he has no idea how it got there! He then waves around his plump fingers to get it out, but one of us has to disentangle it from his chubby little digits.

They had come up for a Saturday night dinner we were having for the Siddique extended family, including Asiya Auntie and her sons Javed & Naved. Aden didn’t handle it too well, and at dinnertime I put him in the megasaucer, and he played so quietly for so long that he obviously was just happy to be left alone. I took him to change his diaper and his clothes, into pajamas, and then after everyone said good night to him, Humera took him upstairs while I cleaned up downstairs. She tried to put him asleep for about 2 hours, but he just lolled around playing with the remote. She played a game with him where she’d pretend to be asleep and when he reached to cover her face with his hand she’d pop up – the third time, he just hit her face with the remote πŸ˜‚ I went up at one point, and Aden was puckering against my face – Humera thinks he was kissing me 😊

He NEVER fusses when he’s playing with something and we take it away for some reason – mama says that Rabia was like that too, as a baby. Before they left the next day, mama got a cotton swab and cleaned Aden’s ear rims with baby oil, as he tilted his head sideways with a look of bliss on his face – he even half-closed his eyes. TOO CUTE! 

16th: On Tuesday the 9th, mama and I went down to Columbus to see our angel. It was TOO much – he was so ladla with me that I almost went nuts. First, Aden came to me and kept resting his head on my shoulder and cuddling. Then at one point I had my back to him and mama, and he kept touching my shoulder to get my attention, then just laid his hand there until I realized it was him and turned around, and he was just staring at me with a look of happiness. CUTIE!!! He was just in Atlanta last weekend, but I missed him because of a Savannah trip with my friends, which I would have canceled if I had more notice He and Rabia slept in my room both nights, and when I got home there were stickers from my Lucky magazine all over the floor, and a (clean) diaper with a sticker on it on my trunk. My baby! I don’t know how I’ll last until he comes back in a week. He’s so cute when he’s in his walker, straining to hear conversations in the kitchen, then quickly pretending to play when we look over! Such an angel. 

24th: Aden’s here and crazy cute, even more than ever. Always laughing, walking around (while holding onto things.) He began crawling Monday 😊 I took him outside in and we sat in the sun while I rubbed his head – he just sat in my lap, all mast. He always looks at us like he’s enchanted – all wide-eyed and sparkly πŸ₯°

27th: My poor sweetheart is sick for his first birthday ☹ Yesterday he was sneezing with a runny nose, all day. Still, he was completely sweet and good-natured, he just had a hard time going to sleep. Yesterday, Rabia brought him in and left him with me for ½ an hour, and he was incredibly cute and precious. He was in my lap, facing me, and kept standing up to lean forward and comb my hair forward – and he did it for about 20 minutes! He also crawls up to us and hold his arms out. Even cuter is how he acts when we’re all eating – if he’s in the megasaucer, he pulls out ever trick in his arsenal to get us to come over. Yesterday, he kept looking at me and giggling and holding out his arms – he knows he’s irresistible when he laughs! Mama took him outside one night while he was here, and he held out his hand toward the moon to touch it  - he always holds out his hands with the three middle fingers smushed together.

His birthday party was today from 12-3:30 at Maharajah, and Rabia set up a really cute Animal/Jungle Party theme. Humera and I kept taking Aden outside to distract and calm him when the festivities got to be too much, and then we brought him home a little early. He was SO ladla when we brought him home – he kept trying to kiss/slobber on us and kept turning from where he was standing to give us little hugs, and would then turn back around and keep doing that! Asim came to hang out at the house with us and watch Aden’s antics – he’s just so nice.
