May 2004

15th: We’re going to the beach with poloo next weekend! They came up May 3rd, when the Jamils came to visit, and stayed until the 9th 😊 Our angel was really fussy for the first few days because of the teething, but was a dream over the weekend. I had the day off Tuesday and went to Crescent Moon and to Stone Mountain, which Aden loved. He kept looking up and laughing at us. Angel! That evening we went to Edo’s, and we were worried Aden would get scared at the fires that are lit on the hibachi table, but he looked more irritated at them than scared, and kept looking up at Humera (he was on her lap) as though to make sure everything was alright! On Humera’s day off she stayed at home with him and let Rabia take everyone to Perimeter and then everyone went to Bombay Grill in the evening. Although Jamil Bhai and his wife were so nice, Aden wouldn’t really let them hold him, although by the end of their visit he condescended to allow them to pat his cheek without protesting πŸ˜‚

Aden does this unbelievably cute thing now where he crawls up, then reaches both arms up at the person while looking up with his beautiful beseeching eyes – it’s completely irresistible! We love to hand him Cheerios, because it’s so cute when he picks them up. When he’s eating them, he gets this super-adult look on his face, as though he can now feed himself so he realizes that he doesn’t need the rest of us. Rabia said he walks back and forth between his toys now, when he’s not paying attention. We would walk him between us too, but if he gets nervous or bored he stops and squats instead! He’s obsessed with my hair again, and he bit my finger several times with his new teeth, as sharp as razors! He has six now 😊

29th: Last weekend was Aden’s first trip to the beach (Palm Beach), and I was there! Mama and I flew down since Rabia and Najeeb were going to a  home expo, and needed babysitting. They drove down and stopped in Orlando to see Rabia’s friend Margo, and mama and I flew down, straight to Palm Beach. We shared a two-bedroom ocean view suite at the Marriott Oceanpointe, and when mom and I got to the hotel, our angel was standing at a table in the living room and gave us the most beautiful smiles! Rabia and Najeeb left about an hour later for their home expo/dinner. Around 7, we dressed Aden and took him to the beach. He was so nervous in the water, because his mama wasn’t there and he didn’t know if it was an approved outing πŸ˜‚ We stood and sat in the water for quite a while, and got several beautiful smiles. His little toes kept getting buried in the sand, and I’d have to lift him to another spot. Humera said we could use his magical big toe as an anchor in the sand to keep from being swept away by the tide! We took him in and strolled him in his stroller for 2 ½ hours but he wouldn’t sleep. He also wouldn’t let me do the strolling! He’d crane his head back to see who it was, and then start protesting if it was me. Mama and I would try to switch off surreptitiously, but if he got a glimpse of her somewhere else he’d start craning again, the clever cutie. R&N got back early because their home show was a bust, and the “Caribbean cuisine” promised to them was just cheese and crackers!

The next day, we went for brunch at a greasy diner, and then afterwards hung out at the suite, mostly on the balcony. Aden loved walking on it, while holding the bars. He also kept lifting one leg up high, and mama said that when we got back to Atlanta he was going to be climbing the stairs. Mama knows all! We went to a Cuban restaurant for dinner, and then stopped at Joanne’s Fabrics. I took Aden over to look at the fake flowers – he does an adorable hesitate touch with a few of his fingers when he sees plants or flowers, but he kept looking at one topiary. When we got back to Atlanta, I realized that he plays with the topiary there too – he must have recognized it, since he’s brilliant!

Afterwards we went back to the hotel and down to the beach. Since Rabia was there, Aden let loose and had a great time! First he played with buckets and shovels Rabia had brought. She also brought a fancy bubble bucket with 3 wands, which Aden kept yanking out and tossing in the sand. Then we went into the surf – first Rabia held him, then me, while the other took photos. SO many cute pics, and one where he has the widest smile – it makes me want to take him to the beach every weekend! Then, he played on the mat with Rabia while mama and I stayed in the water. Although he got a bath afterwards, we were still finding sand in his crevices the next day!

It was a good trip, except for the plane trip back, which I will not recount. Better left unremembered, but my baby can’t go on planes again for years! After we got off, he was so thankful that the rest of Sunday was a dream. He kept laughing and playing. I went to the stairs at one point, while he was with Humera in the living room, and his head popped up and he started at me with intent interest, then he came scrambling towards me, and started coming up the stairs so fast that we wouldn’t have been able to call everyone out to watch if he hadn’t gotten distracted halfway up by the wall and the bannister! He did the whole stair journey several times more on this visit, and when he gets to the top he always rushes to the other set of stairs, but then hovers with one leg outstretches, because he’s not sure what to do!

Also on Sunday, he kept walking back and forth between me and Humera. It started when he was standing at a table then looked at me expectantly. When I smiled and held out my arms, he walked over – it was so precious since I hadn’t seen him voluntarily leave his play and walk over to someone like that 😊 That evening, Shoaib was going back to school, and we were both sitting on the floor of the living room. Aden crawled over, and Shoaib looked towards him with happy resignation (he loves being around Aden, but assumes Aden won’t come over to him voluntarily.) Aden crawls past me straight to Shoaib’s lap, and I thought Shoaib was going to burst with joy. I told him Aden seemed like he wanted to walk between us, and he did. Everytime he’d walk towards Shoaib, Shob would almost look hysterical with happiness – Aden’s truly a sight to behold when he walks towards you! That smile, that uncertain walk, it’s all TOO cute!
