August 2004

1st: Aden news – he now shakes his head no when Rabia tries to feed him something he doesn’t want. He also crawls by himself into the bouncer, and then kicks it for musical fun. Rabia was taking a shower, and Aden was in her room being watched by his dad, and he kept sliding DVDs under the bathroom door. When she got out, there were 6 DVDs on the bathroom floor. Another time, she was putting water for his milk in the microwave, then went to her computer. When the microwave dinged, Aden went to her, made his “follow me” sound, took her to the kitchen, then pointed to the microwave. Because he’s so smart

19th: Aden was here for a beautiful week, starting August 7th. He walks around like a sumo wrestler sometimes, bringing his legs out wide and thundering from side to side. He also goes to sit in his bouncer on his own, sometimes staying in it, just sitting there for an hour. He’s so attached to mama. If he’s playing and she comes into the kitchen, he very seriously stops what he’s doing, walks over, and holds his arms up to her. Aden loves to be in her arms as mama does any household chores. She was holding him and emptying the dishwasher, and he would touch the inside of each dish, one by one. Even when Rabia came in from one of her frequent outings, he’d look at her then go to mama. All 3 of them were upstairs in the hallway at one point, and he was standing. Rabia says to him “Ami hug!” and he looked at her, thought about it, gave a huge smile, then over to mama and raised his arms ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Aden’s also been walking on his tiptoes, which everyone speculates is a result of watching me do it. He’s fascinated by my hair again. He has a routine again – he’ll walk in, go to the mirror, swivel it against the wall, go to the trunk, bang on its fastening, then go to the vanity and try to grab and throw the NARS lipsticks!

Once he was climbing up the stairs with Humera behind him, and I passed him and went into the computer room. Humera said he quickly climbed up the rest of the stairs and started racing towards my room, then at the last second made the left into Shoaib’s/the computer room. When I looked up from the computer, Aden was standing there giving me the biggest, most beautiful smile! He was so proud that he was clever enough to know to come into the other room!

He and mama were in her closet, and just as he was toddling out into the bathroom, I came into it. He turned around, rushed back into mama’s closet to get a red jewelry case, then came back out and gave it to me ๐Ÿ’— Shoaib gave him a broken vanilla wafer, and Aden ambled off with it. Shoaib then found a bigger one in the box, so Aden saunters over, picks up the bigger cookie, and leaves his half-eaten one in Shoaib’s hand! Later, Humera, Shoaib, and I were sitting with Aden at the counter when Aden started gesturing towards the sugar bowl. I took off the lid, and he scooped two fingers into it, picked up a small mound of sugar, and plunked it in his mouth! After he eats sugar like that, he sucks on his fingers for about 20 minutes to get every last sugar granule.

At his home, Rabia said she found him standing on a step stool trying to turn a door handle. Rabia’s friend Susan came over with her niece for a playdate – she’s 11 months old – and when they came Aden kept trying to touch her hair and they were “talking” to each other incessantly! Rabia gave them both cookies, and the girl came over and took Aden’s cookie too. Rabia gave him another one, and he ate half of it then gave the girl the rest – such a gentleman! He also now hikes up one pant leg while walking around.
