September 2004

1st: Mama and I went to Columbus Saturday. Aden is so smart, and completely interactive! In the middle of the visit, mama went with Rabia and Najeeb to see the house they’re building. Aden say everyone in their shoes, and started frantically scrambling around. I followed him into Rabia’s bedroom, where he was leaning down, partially hidden by the exercise ball, and when he stood up, he was holding his shoes! But when he went back to the living room and realized everyone was gone, he got excited and started laughing and running around. Then he goes back to the master bedroom and starts wrecking Najeeb’s things – pulling on wires, dragging his massager into the middle of the room, and pawing through all the things on his night stand! He’s too adorable for words. I started missing him while I was still with him. On Sunday night, he slept in his own bed for the first time.

He loves being read to, and will bring a book and get into Rabia’s lap. Yesterday, he brought her a book, and she told him first chai, then book, so he went and stood by the fridge until she got her milk. Then she said, first fridge bundh (closed) then book. He tried to close it but there was a can in the way, so he methodically put down the book, moved the can, then closed the fridge. So smart for such a small baby! He’s always giving things to people, and gave me flowers on my last visit 😊 It’s enough to make a khala’s heart melt!

2nd: Aden was playing with a bunch of empty boxes today, then when it was time to clean up, she’d point to a box and tell him to bring it over, and he did, and then another, then another. Such a smarty and a cutie! There’s a photo of him and Humera in his room that he always gestures towards when he’s in his crib, and when Rabia gives it to him he just sits and stares at it. Humera said when mama told her, she almost toppled over the stairs in sheer joy.

12th: Aden is getting more mischievous by the day 😊 When Rabia’s on the phone, he knows she’ll give him anything to quiet him down, so he takes full advantage. Rabia was talking to mama one day, and he opened the pantry and one by one threw spice bottles into the trash! He’s coming tomorrow and staying until Tuesday!

19th: Every time Aden sees mama, he starts clapping. He also leads all of us around by our fingers all day – he’ll grab a finger, walk us around, then throw our hands at something and walk away! I ordered Mama Fu’s one day, and he loooved it – I’d feed him a bit of less spicy noodle, he’d drink a half bottle of juice, then come back for more.

Aden still tiptoes around like me, and he watched Shoaib walking around on his knees and started doing that too. He never lets on that he’s watching us, but he observes us very nonchalantly (but carefully) and then does what we do – he’s SO clever! He loves closing the garage door and it’s so cute to see his teeny little fingers pushing the button.
