
Showing posts from October, 2004

October 2004

10th: Humera got officially engaged on the 25 th . Aden was too adorable the whole night. He wouldn’t look directly at Tariq, but whenever Tariq walked by him, Aden would feign nonchalance, then turn and solemnly look him up and down once he had passed. During the engagement ceremony, he quietly kept watch from the stairs, climbing the first two steps, flattening himself, and sliding down in a continuous loop as he watched. At dinner, he kept squinting his eyes shut and making adorable faces because he was so sleepy. 21st: Aden was here all of last week 😊 I had my wisdom teeth removed, so was kind of out of it due to the hydrocodone. He’s so smart that when I went downstairs, he still smiled and laughed at me, but instantly knew not to try to take me outside, downstairs, etc. He’s not even two years old – how is he so perceptive!??! Mama and Humera say he’s the most excited when he sees me, and does a little “Sadia Dance” which involves sumo-stepping in a circle and then running