October 2004

10th: Humera got officially engaged on the 25th. Aden was too adorable the whole night. He wouldn’t look directly at Tariq, but whenever Tariq walked by him, Aden would feign nonchalance, then turn and solemnly look him up and down once he had passed. During the engagement ceremony, he quietly kept watch from the stairs, climbing the first two steps, flattening himself, and sliding down in a continuous loop as he watched. At dinner, he kept squinting his eyes shut and making adorable faces because he was so sleepy.

21st: Aden was here all of last week 😊 I had my wisdom teeth removed, so was kind of out of it due to the hydrocodone. He’s so smart that when I went downstairs, he still smiled and laughed at me, but instantly knew not to try to take me outside, downstairs, etc. He’s not even two years old – how is he so perceptive!??! Mama and Humera say he’s the most excited when he sees me, and does a little “Sadia Dance” which involves sumo-stepping in a circle and then running to me 💗 With all of us, if we say “Aden kissy kissy” he gets an incredibly sweet ladla face as we then kiss him. He’s also so happy if he gets to surprise us somehow – like if he finds us in the computer room and walks up behind us. Starts giggling. Also, this time he’d run up to our room doors, get help from someone in opening the door, then burst through laughing and gurgling!

He is also so proud and happy when he brings us our shoes – he always knows which shoes are whose. He always takes Humera her slippers and then waits around until she puts them on, and he brough Shoaib his mukluks this time too. He is the smartest baby – he is completely aware of everything, and uses the phrase “eh” to convey all thoughts, and we completely understand what he is asking! And he seems to understand everything we say, too. He also runs to the stairs and just sits on the first stair, waiting for someone to join him.
