April 11th: Aden’s talking a lot more now 😊 He calls me kikaa and sometimes “thadia”, and he calls mama “Mommy Amo” in the sweetest voice imaginable.

May: I left for California and already miss Aden terribly! Rabia is keeping me updated via email and with adorable photos. He has such a busy summer ahead - he's going to be in gymnastics once a week, speech 2-3 times/week, the playgroup that Rabia's putting together 3 times a week, and they heard of an Indian musician in the area who teaches kids tabla, harmonium, and singing, so Rabia is going to have Aden test those out too!

July: Aden's super into water toys, so Rabia got him a water slide, so when I went to Columbus, I took a bathing suit :) We had such an awesome time playing!

August 23rd: Aden had his "meet and greet" at school today. Apparently, he barely acknowledged the teachers or other kids but was really excited about his classroom that has a little kitchen center in it! Maybe he'll be a brilliant baker/chef one day!

September 9th: We took a family trip down to Seaside - Aden was so, so happy to have us all around. He was super opposed to having his feet touch the sand, so we were careful to carry him to the mat and not have him touch the beach! When he knew the trip was ending, he calmly sat down in the middle of the rental house and absolutely refused to get up so we could leave! My sweet boy just wanted us all to stay there together forever.

October 27th: I had my baby shower today, and Aden was so excited to see us all dressed up. I'm so sad thinking of the day when I have to leave - I'm going to miss my little sweetheart so much.

November 19th: In California now, and I miss Aden and mama so terribly A thousand things a day remind me of him. I have very voluminous photo books of him to keep me company, although it’s not the same.
