
Showing posts from November, 2007


April 11th:  Aden’s talking a lot more now 😊 He calls me kikaa and sometimes “thadia”, and he calls mama “Mommy Amo” in the sweetest voice imaginable. May: I left for California and already miss Aden terribly! Rabia is keeping me updated via email and with adorable photos. He has such a busy summer ahead - he's going to be in gymnastics once a week, speech 2-3 times/week, the playgroup that Rabia's putting together 3 times a week, and they heard of an Indian musician in the area who teaches kids tabla, harmonium, and singing, so Rabia is going to have Aden test those out too! July: Aden's super into water toys, so Rabia got him a water slide, so when I went to Columbus, I took a bathing suit :) We had such an awesome time playing! August 23rd: Aden had his "meet and greet" at school today. Apparently, he barely acknowledged the teachers or other kids but was really excited about his classroom that has a little kitchen center in it! Maybe he'll be a