
Showing posts from June, 2009


March 7th: We went to Columbus the last weekend of February for a joint birthday party for her and Aden. I switched her to a forward facing carseat just the day before, which wasn't the miraculous experience for her that I'd hoped - she slept the way there, but was intensely active on the way back. Mom had to entertain her for 2 hours straight, although she of course somehow managed to see that as Ilana being "sweet and good-natured." Ilana LOVES Rabia's house. Aden has every imaginable toy for boys or girls, and Ilana was in love with a play kitchen they have set up. She loved it there so much, but doesn't sleep well there, so our Columbus time is necessarily limited :( Rabia had a Dora & Diego themed party for them :) The kids were so cute and so happy, with each other and surrounded by the family!  May 7th: The last week of April was the annual beach trip, this year to Alys Beach (rather than Seaside.) The area was beautiful, and the house was t...