March 7th: We went to Columbus the last weekend of February for a joint birthday party for her and Aden. I switched her to a forward facing carseat just the day before, which wasn't the miraculous experience for her that I'd hoped - she slept the way there, but was intensely active on the way back. Mom had to entertain her for 2 hours straight, although she of course somehow managed to see that as Ilana being "sweet and good-natured." Ilana LOVES Rabia's house. Aden has every imaginable toy for boys or girls, and Ilana was in love with a play kitchen they have set up. She loved it there so much, but doesn't sleep well there, so our Columbus time is necessarily limited :( Rabia had a Dora & Diego themed party for them :) The kids were so cute and so happy, with each other and surrounded by the family! 

May 7th: The last week of April was the annual beach trip, this year to Alys Beach (rather than Seaside.) The area was beautiful, and the house was too, with a private pool that caused both kids to lose it on a daily basis. Ilana just wanted to lean over the railings and stare at the pool at all hours of the day and night, and when she was close wanted to just stand on the edge of the hot tub portion or actually go into it with someone and just bob contentedly while watching everyone else. I pretty much took her whole wardrobe, and she put on a daily fashion show :) On the way there and on the way back, we spent a night in Columbus, and Lani still is obsessed with Rabia's house - and Rabia and Aden. Her attachment to Rabia would occasionally have me seeing green, especially when she went to her when she was upset and would calm down! I think it's the bright kurta tops and bangles, or else she thinks she's cool since she's Aden's mom! Aden is getting more and more attached to Ilana too - at first there was quite a bit of jealousy, but now I think he's really enjoying having someone find him so interesting. Ilana would just walk/crawl up to him at all times of the day and just stare at him, waiting for his next fascinating move. Since we've been gone, he's been asking Rabia to come to Atlanta and pick Ilana up, since he misses her.

May 20th: Rabia and Aden were just here, and “Adee” is the only name Ilana says consistently!

May 30th: Aden and Rabia came yesterday, which is Ilana's dream come true. She's been saying "Adee" all week, every time she sees a little kid, a toy, pretty much anything that moves. She spent yesterday and today being his personal cheerleading section around the house - once he was getting a stern lecture from Rabia, and Lani's sitting behind him chanting "Adee! Adee! Adee!" as though she was encouraging him to rise up and smack his mama down. It's a strange role reversal with the toy situation - now whenever he picks up anything, she immediately wants it and raises a ruckus until she gets it! Thankfully Aden gives them up easily, but I need to figure out how to teach her how to share.

September: Another Atlanta visit - Ilana loooves to just hold Aden's hand and walk around the whole house with him, over and over! He stops in the middle to read books, point out things, etc., and she waits angrily for him to go back to just walking 😂
