February 11th: Ilana’s 3rd birthday
weekend, so Rabia and Aden came up Saturday and we had a Hello Kitty party at
the house. A few hours later, I forced Ilana into another outfit for the other
party we were going to - she just wanted to play with Aden, so I had to drag
her physically out of the house. At the non-family party at Darvish (a Princess
Jasmine theme), other kids started trickling in, although Lani still spent most
of the party playing and fighting with Aden!
March 8th: Ilana did better than I expected
during Aden's birthday celebrations. Rabia had it here, and it was a beach
theme, and for the most part Lani let the day really be about Aden :) She did
shout out in the middle of the birthday song, that it should be sung to them
both; did blow out the candles; and did "help" - i.e. snatch - with
the unwrapping of the gifts, but did pretty well overall! Aden was very sweet and gracious through it all!
Later it was storming and the kids were with Nano in the basement, and Aden kept trying to insist there was a tornado watch - Ilana heard this as "tomato" watch, and got a huge laugh out of it. Aden was less than thrilled with the response, and kept saying it was a Category 5 tornado, and Ilana would say "category 5 tomato!!" and just crack up again :) She still talks about silly Adee and the tomato watch.
May 1st: The water table - mom got a table
for her backyard, which both girls love! Lani obviously is familiar with the
concept, but Inaya is loving it. I'll put them both in bathing suits since Naya
likes to just smack and splash the water over and over. When Aden was here,
they were all playing together, which was too cute for words :) I love to see the three cousins having so much fun together! The kids also really loved having an Easter Egg hunt together - we dyed eggs and then hid them in the backyard. At first Ilana only wanted to hold Aden's hand, but once the hunt got started, they tore off in different directions! Afterwards they capped it off with a rousing game of soccer!
May 30th: Aden and Rabia arrived yesterday, and are staying for the week, so today Humera was gracious enough to take both kids to her house. Lani's a changed "gwirl" when Rab and Aden are here - just over-the-top excited and excitable all day!

June 1st: Yesterday we took all 3 kids to Fernbank's NatureQuest - I think Lani enjoyed it much more since Aden was there, although he was racing through the whole thing since his primary interest was in the gift shop and cafe! Naya was so chill the whole time, hanging out in her carrier, and then calmly sat in a high chair during lunch eating yogurt melts. When we got home Rabia took the two kids outside to play in a waterslide (slip and slide), and then in the late afternoon I took Lani and Naya to Nooshin's house for a playdate. Lani wasn't trying to play with Noosh's kids, probably since she was all played out with Aden around!
August 2nd: Aden's here!!! And Rabia, too, I guess ;) The girls were so, so excited to see them, and Ilana's been holding onto Aden since they got here. Inaya keeps staring at Aden in fascination, and clinging onto Rabia like a little tabby cat!
September 30th: They (mama, Humera, Rabia, Aden) all came up for the family beach vacation :) All the little cousins still run to each other like magnets! They played and played on the beach, and Aden is now fine with his feet in the sand!

Later it was storming and the kids were with Nano in the basement, and Aden kept trying to insist there was a tornado watch - Ilana heard this as "tomato" watch, and got a huge laugh out of it. Aden was less than thrilled with the response, and kept saying it was a Category 5 tornado, and Ilana would say "category 5 tomato!!" and just crack up again :) She still talks about silly Adee and the tomato watch.
May 30th: Aden and Rabia arrived yesterday, and are staying for the week, so today Humera was gracious enough to take both kids to her house. Lani's a changed "gwirl" when Rab and Aden are here - just over-the-top excited and excitable all day!
June 1st: Yesterday we took all 3 kids to Fernbank's NatureQuest - I think Lani enjoyed it much more since Aden was there, although he was racing through the whole thing since his primary interest was in the gift shop and cafe! Naya was so chill the whole time, hanging out in her carrier, and then calmly sat in a high chair during lunch eating yogurt melts. When we got home Rabia took the two kids outside to play in a waterslide (slip and slide), and then in the late afternoon I took Lani and Naya to Nooshin's house for a playdate. Lani wasn't trying to play with Noosh's kids, probably since she was all played out with Aden around!
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