
Showing posts from December, 2014


April 9th: When Aden came up for his birthday party, he had gotten a Magic 8 ball - I heard the kids screaming excitedly downstairs, and found out that they had asked the ball if I was having twins this year and it said yes - they were so happy! Not. Going. To. Happen. For his birthday, Ilana spent days cleaning pennies to give to him, and presented them in a box with a 5 dollar bill, a picture, and a green bowl - so cute. He was confused but gracious! August 31st: August 13th - my mama arrived!!! They were staying at the Gaylord Hotel at National Harbor for APPNA, and we pretty much stayed the whole time too :) Mama had a large suite for her and Ilana, and Naya and I bunked with Humera, Shoaib had a separate room and Rabia & Aden had a separate room. Ilana was so thrilled by mama's suite, and kept running around yelling "we're staying here, we're staying here!" The next day, the family came to our house for a birthday party for Naya - I went and got a cake