April 9th: When Aden came up for his birthday
party, he had gotten a Magic 8 ball - I heard the kids screaming excitedly
downstairs, and found out that they had asked the ball if I was having twins
this year and it said yes - they were so happy! Not. Going. To. Happen. For his
birthday, Ilana spent days cleaning pennies to give to him, and presented them
in a box with a 5 dollar bill, a picture, and a green bowl - so cute. He was confused but gracious!
August 31st: August 13th - my mama arrived!!!
They were staying at the Gaylord Hotel at National Harbor for APPNA, and we
pretty much stayed the whole time too :) Mama had a large suite for her and
Ilana, and Naya and I bunked with Humera, Shoaib had a separate room and Rabia
& Aden had a separate room. Ilana was so thrilled by mama's suite, and kept
running around yelling "we're staying here, we're staying here!" The
next day, the family came to our house for a birthday party for Naya - I went
and got a cake from Giant and some Ravi Kabob, while Rabia and Humera decorated
and the girls showed everyone around the house! We decorated the cake with more
new lalaloopsies, and Naya was in heaven with everyone singing Happy Birthday
to her :) Afterwards, we went back to the hotel, and APPNA was sponsoring
Pakistan Day festivities, and Ilana, mama, and Rabia were watching all the
singing from their balconies. The next
day, Rabia and I took the kids to the Ferris Wheel at the Harbor (where this time, it was Inaya and Aden sitting holding hands!)
then took the boat over to Old Town Alexandria, where we got frozen yogurt and then headed back. When we got back, mom and Humera headed to the APPNA banquet, Shiraz and Shoaib went to dinner in Alexandria, and I took the girls to the hotel pool, where Rabia and Aden joined us a bit later - the kids had SO much fun, I wish I'd taken them earlier! Aden loves history and Presidents, so I'm pretty optimistic that he'll keep visiting us even though we're not as close as we were in Florida!
November 12th: Our first trip to Atlanta since moving to DC. Aden was there, and he still adores Inaya and fights/plays with Ilana like they're siblings. He's starting to look like such an older kid!! But he'll always be our sweet poloo.

then took the boat over to Old Town Alexandria, where we got frozen yogurt and then headed back. When we got back, mom and Humera headed to the APPNA banquet, Shiraz and Shoaib went to dinner in Alexandria, and I took the girls to the hotel pool, where Rabia and Aden joined us a bit later - the kids had SO much fun, I wish I'd taken them earlier! Aden loves history and Presidents, so I'm pretty optimistic that he'll keep visiting us even though we're not as close as we were in Florida!
November 12th: Our first trip to Atlanta since moving to DC. Aden was there, and he still adores Inaya and fights/plays with Ilana like they're siblings. He's starting to look like such an older kid!! But he'll always be our sweet poloo.
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