April 7th: We did a belated surprise birthday party for Ilana, and then the next day had Aden's very elaborate Harry Potter Birthday Party! I tried to make Golden Snitch cake pops at Rabia's request, but they were a complete fail. Aden loved his party, though. On Sunday morning we did an Easter Egg hunt - we did it indoors because of Aden's allergies, and we planted them throughout the basement. Kids loved it :) August: We're back in Atlanta, and the family had a surprise birthday party for Inaya followed by an almost play from the kids 😂 It was a superhero theme, but never quite made it to production in front of a live audience! November 30th: On Tuesday the 24th, mama, Rabia, and Aden came to visit us for Thanksgiving. Ilana was originally insisting that she wanted to go to soccer (it would have been her last day), and wanted Nano to come pick her up afterwards (they were flying in at 3ish, and Ilana's soccer ends near 5), but the morning of, Ilana ...