Mia's Memories

Mia and Adee Memories Remember when…. You were a tiny baby and so warm and cuddly and I was supposed to babysit you and you slept on my stomach for 8 hours! I didn’t move at all and I feel that we really bonded. (so sweeeat!) We used to go to Toys “is” Us every time you came to Atlanta! We would always buy a toy and/or a DVD or game and usually a candy! Every time we went, you had a specific toy in mind. One time, you wanted a red elephant and since we couldn’t find one, we had to buy a wooden elephant and red paint and then we went to my house and painted it. Some of the other specific toys you wanted were a red helicopter, a very noisy lawnmower, and a small Oscar the grouch! We also used to look at each other and laugh when a kid was being spoiled and crying for something. You were so well behaved! Once, you asked a sales associate named Mario, if he knew there was a video game with his name! We also started taki...