Mia's Memories

Mia and Adee Memories

Remember when….
You were a tiny baby and so warm and cuddly and I was supposed to babysit you and you slept on my stomach for 8 hours!  I didn’t move at all and I feel that we really bonded. (so sweeeat!)

We used to go to Toys “is” Us every time you came to Atlanta!  We would always buy a toy and/or a DVD or game and usually a candy!  Every time we went, you had a specific toy in mind.  One time, you wanted a red elephant and since we couldn’t find one, we had to buy a wooden elephant and red paint and then we went to my house and painted it. Some of the other specific toys you wanted were a red helicopter, a very noisy lawnmower, and a small Oscar the grouch!  We also used to look at each other and laugh when a kid was being spoiled and crying for something.  You were so well behaved!  Once, you asked a sales associate named Mario, if he knew there was a video game with his name!  We also started taking Lani and later, Naya, and had so much fun!!!  We would go to my house afterwards and open and play with some of the toys.

I told you countless Goofus and Gallant stories and even emailed a bunch to you.  I told you that you were always Gallant J   You even thought that they lived in my neighborhood!  Some of your favorite stories included Goofus being ridiculous at other kids’ birthday parties!

We had a lot of fun with Loki and his crazy pranks.  Once, Loki even moved stuff around in your house and you just couldn’t figure out how!!  He also threw things around my house and scared everyone from time to time….oh Loki!!

When you were so small, and I had to go to work in the mornings, you always took my powder puff and powdered my makeup on my face.  You had such a serious and adorable look on your face.  You were always part of my morning routine when you came over.  It was my favorite moment of the day, seeing your sweet and beautiful face early in the morning and hearing the pitter patter of your feet in the morning, when I used to sleep in Nano’s basement!

You had the cutest nicknames in the world for everyone!  I was Rahrah, Sadie was Kikah , Tariq was Kukum and remember…Kikha baby Laaaaaanaa!  The cutest was Mommy Amoo!

Remember your horse?  Ilana named him Buttercup later, but you loved riding him around until you were almost too big!  We had so much fun with you and then later, all three of you, when we played for hours in my house.  Sometimes, we played board games and other times, just with toys, like our bowling pin set!

You were always (and still are!) fascinated by the Baba in the basement!  You always tried to make me go down there!  One day, we will venture down there and see what we can find!  That baba gave us a lot of entertainment and would even throw things!

Remember your pet dog? You used to play with him for hours and you would even play in the attic upstairs in Kukum’s room and let the dog run free in the attic while you used the remote control.  He even had a bone and used to bark!

One day you kicked your big green clog off and it broke the handle of my tea mug!  There was a startled silence and then we all just started laughing and laughing!  I still think of you every time I use that poor tea mug!
Who can forget Magic School!  You always got to a certain level and then didn’t want to go any further and we never quite made it to Magic School!  Usually, you would hug and kiss your mom and be good for a while, but we always ran into some trouble!

We had some good Halloweens in my neighborhood! Once, you were Spiderman and you were walking down the street and stopped when you saw the black (bad) Spiderman!  You two stopped and faced each other in a tense showdown that the Marvel universe would be proud of!  Another time, you told my sweet old neighbor that “I don’t want any freakin’ raisins!”  when she was trying to offer you a healthy snack!!  Another time, you were scared of the house in the cul de sac, because there was a dog there, so she threw the candy down to you and surprisingly, you caught all of it!!!  We were so proud (LOL)
We have so many priceless and wonderful memories together, my sweet, precious, special Adee! I look forward to making many, many more, Insha’Allah!

